NY Pet Rescue


We’ve ALWAYS been animal lovers. Years ago I fostered senior pups. I ended up keeping a 10 year old mix that was given up in her old age. We were able to give her an amazing 2 years before she passed. Sad as hell, but so worth it. I then had a gaggle of kids and didn’t have it in me for awhile. Then Covid hit. I always talk about the silver linings of Covid. Another for me is that I started fostering again- this time through NY Pet Rescue. To date, I’ve fostered 4. All were placed in amazing homes. I feel so happy to be able to help these pups on their beautiful, and HAPPY journey!

Our first foster, Athena, now Ruby

Our first foster, Athena, now Ruby

Kisses for Siena

Kisses for Siena

With her foster Brothers <3

With her foster Brothers <3

If you love dogs and cats, but aren’t quite ready for your own yet, please please PLEASE consider fostering. I love getting my foster, looking at them and thinking (I say it to them because I’m crazy) “You will never be locked in a cage again”. You are giving them a loving place to stay, while they await their forever home. The most common question I get is, “It would make me too sad to give them up.” I get that. I’ve FELT that. But, I always tell myself that if I do this, and give them to a good and loving home, then i get to help more dogs who need it most. The other comment I get from those with kids is, “My kids will get too attached and upset.” To this, I say, and have told my own kids, something similar. I get them to understand the concept. That by doing this, we are helping these animals to stay out of a shelter. If we keep them, then we. can’t help the next puppies (or cats) that land in the shelter. The first one may be hard, but believe me, they end up getting it, and LOVING it. My kids quickly realized that by doing this we get to experience MORE puppies! We did decide to keep our last. foster, and I will say, my oldest was obviously excited, but he also got upset at the thought of not being able to foster more! I’m telling you they get it quickly.

Foster #2- Akita, now Delta

Foster #2- Akita, now Delta


And if you’re ready for your own pet, ADOPT!! Please consider adopting these shelter pups and cats that so desperately need a warm, loving home.

Now, a little bit about our feature this week: NY Pet Rescue. NY Pet Rescue’s mission is to save homeless, abandoned, or neglected dogs and cats and find them caring responsible homes. Pet Rescue is a 501(c)(3) non-profit animal rescue organization founded in 1982 by volunteer workers who met at a “no-kill” animal shelter. Dismayed by the terrible living conditions of the animals there, they left to establish a rescue group to properly care for cats and dogs in need, and find them safe and loving homes.

Foster #3, Janie, now Piper

Foster #3, Janie, now Piper


Over the last 35+ years, Pet Rescue has remained a no-kill rescue organization. And, we have remained a volunteer-based organization whose mission is to care for dogs and cats until they are adopted. In those years, we have grown with the help of donors and volunteers. We have our own facility in Harrison, NY with an onsite clinic for our animals, a kennel for some of our dogs and a dedicated space for adult cats (our “Kitty Cottage”). Additionally, many of our animals are fostered by dedicated volunteers. Our animals come from various places. Some come from owners who are no longer able to care for them. Many are taken from kill shelters. Still others come from the streets. Often the dogs and cats arrive sick or injured. They are subsequently treated by veterinarians to make them healthy for adoption. We take joy in finding our dog, cats, puppies, kittens and special needs animals good loving homes.

Foster #4 Chadwick, now Rocco

Foster #4 Chadwick, now Rocco


You can check out NY Pet Rescue (and apply to foster/adopt) on their website: https://ny-petrescue.org/ .

Phone: (914) 835-3332.

Email: nypetrescue@gmail.com

With your donations NY Pet Rescue provides:

Shelter: Pet Rescue's facility in Harrison, NY provides shelter for many of our cats and dogs. In addition to a roof over their heads, we pay for heat, food, water, electricity. and general maintenance. While most of the work is done by dedicated volunteers, we have a small kennel staff to help care for the dogs and cats.

Chadwick, now Rocky- OUR dog!

Chadwick, now Rocky- OUR dog!

Vetting: Our clinic provides vet care to our cats and dogs. General health assessments, medications, vaccinations, blood work, testing, spay/neuter procedures, and other necessary surgeries are all a part of the day- to-day routine. Additionally, we pay for specialist care, as needed, to maintain the health of our dogs and cats.

Facilities: We took over a dilapidated facility which has required hundreds of thousands of dollars to restore to a usable condition. We continue to discover issues and restore the buildings to operable conditions. Our funding comes exclusively from donations from our adopters and friends.


Transport: We transport around 600 dogs from kill shelters and emergency situations to Pet Rescue each year. We also take in local cats and dogs who are in distressed situations.

Fosters: We are lucky to have a wonderful group of people who foster our cats and dogs in their homes. We pay for all their vetting via the clinic and we provide them specialty food as needed.


Food: We feed our cats and dogs over 2,200 cans of wet food and 1,600 pounds of dry food each year (numbers currently for cats only).


So Momality peeps, I am lucky enough to know a good amount about this amazing organization. If you are interested, or have any questions, feel free to email us, message me on Instagram, or FB, and I will be more than happy to answer anything, or share my experience further. And thank you NY Pet Rescue, and all other rescues for the amazing work that you do!


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