You Choose Your Happiness


This is not a post by us, it is a re-post. The original post is by Jordan Lee Dooley. Follow her for major inspo @jordanleedooley @shepodcast and find her website at Even though this post is not written by us, we are putting it out there because we see you, we are you, we walk this path with you. We have been there, and there are some situations we have not been, but we’re there with you in solidarity. There are some situations that we are going through, that you will never have to go through, may never understand, but we know you walk with us in solidarity. We are here to empower all woman, no matter your experience, or your path of life. We all have our shit, we all have our own journey, and it is not always an easy one. There are so many obstacles. SO many. But, please, always try to look at it in the way that Jordan does. Always try to learn something from each obstacle and try to focus on the good. The miraculous. No matter how hard it is to find, there is always good.

I am really trying to focus on the positive and I have realized that God truly does give us what we can handle. I’m choosing to find and focus on the good, and I’m realizing that from certain instances will come something good. Through this instance we’ll all learn a few things. From this, magical things will happen, and a magical being will do magical things.

Everyone has their own journey. Everyone has their own stuff (good and bad) that they are going through. Everyone is trying to navigate their own path the best that they can. Everyone is going through something, and even though that person might have a huge smile on her face, she may be hurting inside. Even though this person might crack jokes, and look like she has it all together, she may be dealing with something hard. And maybe even though she is really hurting, she has figured out how to focus on the good. How to deal with something hard, and make it positive. Maybe she’s choosing not to mope around, but to learn from it.

I am proud to say, that I have learned how to do that. I’m not always successful, and I will continue to fail, but I will get back up and try again. I love having a positive outlook. Even with the ups and downs and hurdles in life, I WILL NOT be sad. I will CHOOSE to put a smile on my face, and live a happy life. I will continue to focus on the insane amount of good, instead of the few hard things. Because nothing is that bad that you have to be unhappy. You choose your happiness. You are responsible for who you become and how happy you are. You determine that. I’m not talking about depression. That’s clinical, its an imbalance, and it’s beyond your control. I’m not talking about situational sadness. Sad things happen, and it takes time to work through them, and feel better. I’m talking about HAPPINESS. Let me say it again- YOU ARE IN CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE. If something is negative, steer clear. Get rid of that negativity. It is all within your control. And when it’s out of your control- when it’s just a card you were dealt, there is always a way to make good out of it. I am choosing to look at our recent hardship as a blessing. And I’m choosing to believe that great things will come from it.

Don’t be bitter, and jealous when other people are fortunate in areas where you are not. Don’t look at a post about the miracle of pregnancy and think “well great for them, but I can’t experience that right now.” Or a post of a typically developing child and think, “Well lucky for them… my kid can’t do that.” Instead of being bitter, please realize that they might have something else going on that is hard for them, that is not an issue in your life. Appreciate that they might be able to conceive that child, but they might have a sick sibling, or parent, or child even. One struggle IS NOT worse than another. One struggle IS NOT harder than the other. Instead of thinking that your problems are worse than anyone else’s, choose to love and support and help each other through… Focus on the positive. Don’t make it a competition of who has it worse. Instead, think of ways and reasons to build each other up and express and point out the good and positive in each others lives.

If we can all do this- unite and come together to build each other up, the world will be a better and happier place. No, my world is not perfect. Yes, I have tons of obstacles. Yes I fail all the time. And yes, through all my failures and hardships I will choose to wear that smile, crack those jokes, make good out of the bad, focus on the positive and do my best to build you up through it all. I will focus on how I can do better and where I can improve. I will try and try and try again. Yes I will have my moments of weakness. Yes I will have my days of feeling sorry for myself. But when I do, can I ask a favor? Can you be there to remind me to find the positive, remind me of all the good, and to tell me that I will get through it? Because I will be there for you. I will be there to remind you of all the good that surrounds you, and to figure out the positives that will sprout from that unfortunate circumstance. I will be there to remind you of the beauty in this life. I promise. You are beautiful. You are strong. You can and WILL handle anything that comes your way.

Image from @heymamaco

Image from @heymamaco


Stay real. Stay Balanced. Find the miracles.




Momconditional Love


Be as Free & Creative as a Child.