Make Lemonade Out of Those Lemons


What have you learned during these trying times? Strangely enough, as hard as it’s been, we’ve found many silver linings, and I’m pretty confident in saying that we’re not alone there. Yes, it’s hard as hell, it’s not normal, it’s different than any of us have EVER experienced. And it is very easy to find the negative in these situations-believe me, i’ve found a lot. But reflecting back on this time so far, there are so many amazing positives. The result of Covid 19 is not all negative. In fact, in a lot of cases, I think it’s been a pretty positive transition for some people in their personal journey. Even our Earth is benefitting! Before you start thinking I’ve really lost my mind- hear me out.

Have you deepened your self-care and self awareness? People are learning about themselves during this time. We’re figuring out our strengths and weaknesses. We’ve never had more time with ourselves, and even if it’s not all good, we’re learning about who we are, how we deal with situations. We’re realizing things we like, and some that we may not like so much.

More so, people are collaborating and working together with their partners and friends. They are figuring out how to work together, to make this new “normal” work. Maybe your finding a deeper connection with a spouse, family member, or friend, or maybe you’re realizing certain things that you need to work on and strengthen in your relationships.

During this time, I’ve learned a lot about myself. I’ve learned that I need to get up, freshen myself up and get dressed to feel good. I’ve learned that when I’m not doing those things, it almost always means that I’m worried or stressed about something that’s putting me in a kind of slump. For example, I had a really good stretch, and then got news of some issues with my daughter. She had to go under sedation to have a hearing test and tubes placed, along with genetic testing. The procedure was a total of three hours. I was a nervous wreck. We finished up, went home, and I realized I was able to breathe properly for the first time since we found out that the appointment was rescheduled. We napped (our morning started at 5 am), and after that nap I showered, did my hair, and put on some make up. I realized I haven’t done that since I found out when her appointment was scheduled. When I’m in a slump, it LITERALLY shows. I’ve learned that it’s ok to take a break and to take “me time” when I need it. It’s better for me, and better for everyone around me. I’ve learned that I’m stronger and more patient than I ever knew I was. I learned that when things change, and rock your world, it’s so much better to roll with it, find the positive and figure out a new normal, rather than to mope and feel sorry for yourself. I’ve learned not to judge people, and I understand now that everyone is going through their own thing. We never know what someone else is going through. So many people chose to judge how other people were doing things during this time, when really no one has a clue what that other person is going through. Maybe that person didn’t have a mask on because they have severe asthma and it can affect their breathing. Maybe they had their kid at the store because they are a single parent and can’t afford child care. Maybe she’s screaming her head off at her kid because she’s said the same thing 163984798376458973264 times and the kid still isn’t listening. I could go on and on, but you get the idea. There’s a million things that could be going on in someones life. Don’t judge because you just don’t know. Instead, if you see someone struggling, maybe see how you can help, or simply offer a reassuring smile.

Maybe your the one that feels judged. How can you express that? Who do you need to express that to? Are you doing your best, or is there something that you can work on and change? Are there strategies that you can use to do better? For example, if you are losing your temper easily with your kids, can you walk away and count to 10? Take time to self reflect and figure out strategies that can improve these situations.

During this time we have to also remember to have compassion for ourselves. The human race in general is so busy, all of the time! We’re usually devoted to everything and everyone else EXCEPT for ourselves. If anything else, this time period has allowed everyone to turn inward, and focus on themselves, whether it be physical health, mental health, or to achieve goals that you have wanted to achieve for awhile, but simply did not have the time.

There’s probably never been a time like this, and may never be again in our lifetime, that we will get to spend this much time in our place, our home, with our family members. Take advantage of it. I never knew how much I loved my home. Reconnect with your husband and your kids that you normally don’t get to see this often. Learn new things about each other.

I challenge you to do one of the things on the list below.

  1. Have a special date with your significant other, husband or loved one where you can talk about things such as what this time period has done for you; how it’s affected you (positively or negatively), what you wish to achieve while you have this time.

  2. Take your family or friends on a hike. Spend a whole day outside somewhere and spend the day away from technology- yes even that phone.

  3. Learn something new about your spouse, partner, and kids.

  4. Try something new either by yourself, or with your family that you’ve never done before.

  5. Take this time to teach your kids (or yourself) something that they wouldn’t get to learn in a time where we’re rarely home. We taught my son how to play Rummy 500 the card game. We now play this as a family and have so much fun. If school was in session, we probably wouldn’t have taught him that until the summer.

Use this time. Use it to do things that we can’t do when we’re constantly running around to a million different places, doing a million different things. Use this time to connect with family, friends and loved ones. I feel like I’ve talked to some friends more during this time, than I have in the last 5 years combined! Happy hour zoom calls are my jam. Mostly, FIND THE POSITIVE. How can you make yourself better and this whole situation better? This will also teach your kids that some situations are out of our control, and when they are it’s crucial to make the best out of a shitty situation- Make lemonade out of those damn lemons!

Here are a few of my achievements and goals that I’ve completed:

  1. I’ve spent more time with my kids, and learned some ways to be a better mother and wife and recognized areas where i’d like to improve.

  2. Started Momality!!!! WOOT WOOT!

  3. Michael has learned family games, James learned to ride a two wheeler, and finally doesn’t wear a pull up at night, Siena learned to freaking walk!

  4. My kids have learned how to entertain themselves

  5. I’ve organized A LOT of things in my house

My challenge to you: How can you use this strange period of time to your advantage? How can you improve yourself? What have you gained, and what can you gain? Find the silver lining.

Stay real, find balance, and make some lemonade.




This weekend sucked. And i’m fine with it.


Out of the mouth of babes…