When you come to a roadblock, find another route.

Team work makes the dream work. My momality side kick- Nicole.

Team work makes the dream work. My momality side kick- Nicole.


What is success? Hell, I’m still trying to figure that one out. I had this little thought, a few months back, about creating a community. Being REAL. Showing other mamas that it’s not all a walk in the park. That we’re in this together. Admitting that this parenting gig is freaking hard, but so worth it… and also so funny. I will make a mistake, and talk about it so other’s can maybe feel better about their mistakes… so that we can all learn from each others mistakes and do better. Because we all make mistakes. Mistakes are OK, and they are amazing learning opportunities.

For a long time I struggled to find what I love and to find my identity. That was another big factor of Momality. Bringing strong women together to connect with each other, to network and to help each other build and grow. Our dream is to build a community of women to build each other up. To create a platform that gives us tools and a network of people to help achieve their dreams. I have always been a nurturer, I have always wanted to help in some way. I was a teacher for a little bit, and my path took me elsewhere. I couldn’t figure out what I was meant to do with my life, and I finally took a leap, took a chance and started Momality. I did this. All on my own. I knew it was time, I knew it was right. I knew it would help, and I knew there was a giant need for this community.

We wanted to bring together a community of women defining what the modern workplace looks like. Because it is different than it’s ever been. For the first time, WE have the power to design our careers and futures. The modern workplace is opening up a whole new world where woman can be successful businesswomen, AND moms. We can do it all, ladies. For so long we had to give up being a mom for a majority of the time to have a successful career, or give up our careers to be full time moms. Why? Why can’t we have both? So, back to this success business. Are we raking in the money right now? NOPE. But, that’s ok- We just started this, and for right now, just having someone who’s been through the same things I’ve gone through reaching out through my sharing a story to say “Thank you for sharing that. I’m going through that too. What’s your advice about this?”, or a fellow mom with a child with a developmental delays that I can offer advice and next steps to- those are the reasons that we started this, and this is what it’s all about. That’s what this community that we’re building is about. I had a gut feeling and saw a great need. I followed my heart and dove in head first. People reaching out and thanking us for being real and open and honest. That’s what it’s all about for me. Telling us that it is so nice to see honest moms who tell it like it is instead of showing only the good and perfection, which we all know, isn’t attainable- that’s what we want to show. I had many times when I first became a mom where I felt alone and lost. I didn’t have somewhere to look, or someone to look to and reach out to. I know deep down that this will be successful. That it will make a difference in people’s lives. I know the success and money will follow. I’ve never said those words before. I’ve never been confident about something like this. I know it will take a lot of work. I know that it will take time. I know that there will be frustration, ups and downs, successes and failures. BUT, it is the same as everything. We have to put in the work, we need to do better every single day, and we need to make small attainable goals that lead us to the ultimate goal. I have hit many roadblocks in the short time that I have started Momality. But this goal, this community, this business… it all means enough to me, and I have enough confidence that it will succeed that I always find another way, another route to make it work. I will not give up on this dream.

Having so much fun at our first Momality event/workshop.

Having so much fun at our first Momality event/workshop.

Talking, teaching, learning together- all about balance.

Talking, teaching, learning together- all about balance.

There’s ALWAYS an opportunity to get better and to do better. In every aspect of life. Whether it’s working a bit harder, being a better friend, being the one to reach out or check in with a friend. Acknowledging where you can improve is so important. And even more important is taking the steps to do so. Don’t just talk about those goals, reach for them and take the steps to achieve them. Think about how you can be a better mother, daughter, sister, brother- whatever it may be. Just strive to do better, be better. Whether it’s reading more, learning more. Learning about different people, different cultures, different points of view. Make a point to LISTEN. Help someone in need. The list goes on and on and on. Do better. Be better. There is always room to improve. Choose a couple of things that you want to improve upon, and don’t wait- start now! And when you come to a roadblock, there is always another way. Another route. Nothing should get in the way of your dreams and goals. Not allowing these roadblocks to stop you is all in your control.

For so long, I settled. I found a career, stuck with it, realized I didn’t like it. Worked my ass off for a masters degree, then took another job for 6 years. I didn’t yet have the confidence to follow my heart (whatever that meant), and I also didn’t know what I was supposed to be doing. I worked my ass off for those 6 years to provide for my family. If you asked me 5 years ago if this is what I’d be doing, I’d think you were crazy. First of all, I’d find a million reasons why I COUDLN’T do it, and i’d probably find every excuse not to do it. I finally found peace with myself, and I found confidence and I took a chance. Then I realized… I AM good enough and smart enough to do this. There will be roadblocks- people will get in my way, they’ll tell me this will never work, question me. When that happens, I’ll work harder. I’ll wake up earlier, allow myself to fail, because those failures happen for a reason. Maybe one of these failures that you WILL work through will occur to point you in a better, more appropriate direction. I will work constantly to improve myself and this platform.

When you are met with a roadblock , experience rejection, or when someone tells you you can’t do it, are you going to listen? HELL NO! This is YOUR dream, YOUR goal. No one else’s. Too many times we listen to those roadblocks- those things telling us we can’t and won’t succeed, instead of finding another way. Do not take no for an answer. Do not believe that your dreams and goals are in anybody else’s hands. Nobody gets to tell you what to dream and what to believe, or how big your dreams can be. No is NOT a roadblock. It’s a chance to find another way- a way that will be better and more successful. It will make you slow down, re-think your choices, re-evaluate your circumstances and come up with a better plan, route, and outcome. So, look at it this way. You’re on your way to bring your kids to the zoo. Your exit is blocked due to construction. You already drove 40 minutes. Are you going to give up and turn back around? No. You’re going to find another way, another route. A road block doesn’t mean that you stop. It means that you change your direction, in order to make it to the zoo. When you come up against an obstacle, remember there’s another way. “No” is not an answer. It’s not the end.

So, what is your dream. What are your goals? It can be as simple as being a better mom tomorrow. Not yelling tomorrow. Having more patience. Or it can be a life goal like a career shift. Whatever it is, whatever you put your mind to, you can and will do it. Make the goals realistic. Start with small attainable goals. Don’t go right for the big picture. Every big goal, has lots of little goals and steps that you need to take to get there. Be realistic. You aren’t going to get right to the zoo, you have to take the twists and turns, and get off the exits to get there. You might hit a roadblock and have to take another way, but you will get there. You and your crew will see that lion, and the silly monkeys.

Back to me. I never even knew this was a goal of mine. I never knew it was in my future. Life takes you on crazy adventures. My career path is a mile long for a 35 year old. You might know what your dreams and goals are from the time you are a child, or you might not know what your dreams and goals are until later in life . But life takes you where it’s supposed to. I always believed that everything happens for a reason, and now I KNOW it’s true. I am right where I belong, doing what I’m supposed to be doing. Hopefully, I’m making a difference, and will continue to do so. Keep on keeping on.

Stay real. Stay balance. Dodge those roadblocks and find another way. Don’t take no for an answer, and don’t let anyone have power over YOUR dreams. They’re yours. Your allowed to be selfish there ;)




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