Shoot for the stars… but not right away.

Baby monitor, coffee and Blogging

Baby monitor, coffee and Blogging

Siena is hard at work on

Siena is hard at work on


Ok, we’ve all been there. We think up these big dreams, these huge goals, and then we realize how much work it is and the idea fizzles away with each passing moment. We think up every excuse of why it’s too hard, and why it can’t happen. “I can’t start that diet, it is too expensive, and meal prepping will take way too much time- time that I don’t have!” or “How can I start that business? I don’t have any money!” Well I’m here to tell you… I was that person. I had every excuse in the book. I got in my own way ALL OF THE TIME. Guess what? Every excuse that you make to not do something that you know you want to do, or should do, is you getting in your OWN way. It’s no one else’s fault. You’re placing those barriers.

Remember growing up, how our parents and teachers and every adult would tell us to never say “I can’t”?! That doesn’t change when you become a grown up, ladies and gentlemen. SELF AFFIRMATIONS ARE IMPORTANT. Telling yourself that you CAN do it, and how smart you are, and how successful you will be is imperative.

As you can tell, we’re fans.

As you can tell, we’re fans.


Here’s the thing. So many times, we think of the reasons why we can’t do or achieve something. STOP DOING THAT! Start with small attainable goals.  Don’t shoot for the stars right away. Have that big picture in mind, but know that it won’t happen overnight.  Success takes work and it doesn’t always come quickly.  If you only look at end goal you will get frustrated and most likely give up.  Focus on the small goals along the way. When you achieve those goals, you’ll feel accomplished, you’ll feel good about yourself, you’ll recognize progress and you will keep on truckin’.

Let’s take Momality for instance. Guys, I know it may not seem like it, but this shit is a lot of work! Posting everyday, blogging, shooting videos, planning events. But we are PASSIONATE about building this community. About bringing women together to build each other up and learn from each other. And guess what? We’re working for free right now, because success and money doesn’t come overnight! It takes work, it takes dedication, it takes determination. It takes you REALLY WANTING IT! We’re working for free right now because we know in our gut that this will be successful. We talk about it every day. We tell each other every day how amazing this will be. We see a major need in our community. We see an opportunity to let women network and mold how the modern workplace will look for a mom. There are SO many opportunities and we want to explore them all. We have small, attainable goals- this number of followers, this event, helping and guiding people. And when we achieve them it makes us want to continue, and keep going. The money will come, eventually. The success will grow. WILL is the key word. Affirmations. When you know you know. I for one, know I’ve never been more confident about anything in my entire life. And that right there, makes me know it will work, it’s important, and it makes me want to keep going. It gives me my drive and motivation.

Determined to succeed… and get a lunch in. Multi-Tasking is the only way.

Determined to succeed… and get a lunch in. Multi-Tasking is the only way.


Think about how you can get to where you want to be. Who do you know that can help you? Don’t be afraid to ask. People are more willing to help when you have a good idea then you may think. We have been so lucky to have so many people that are supportive of Momality. The amazing Anastasia Guadron of The Vividmark marketing firm recognized this need in our community, totally understands our vision, and just happens to own an amazing marketing company and helped us build this very site. It’s been SO fun and rewarding working with her, and learning how to do this. Shameless plug- check her out at , or her instagram . Also, when you ask friends for help, you get to have really fun “planning meetings” where you equally work, and drink tequila and eat chips… or is that just us?!

Momality Event Planning Committee

Momality Event Planning Committee


This whole concept is true for anything. A workout plan, eating better, hobbies, or a career/life goal. Let’s take working out, for instance. You’re not going to wake up one day and run 10 miles. Again, start with small, attainable goals. Day one, maybe you’ll start with a mile of both walking and jogging. Day 2, maybe you’ll stick with that mile but jog a bit more. Week 2, maybe you’ll go to 2 miles, and so on. You get the point… If you say you want to start working out, and try to jump to 5 miles, it won’t work out, you’ll feel defeated and you’ll give up. If you give yourself small, attainable goals, you’ll kick their ass, and be motivated to keep going. Get the can’t our of your head. You can take vitamins, work out, eat right, but if you have negative thoughts, they will shut down your dream. You will probably fall down, stumble, and make mistakes along the way. This is normal, it is expected. Do not let it derail your dream and passion. The important part is that you get back up, get your head back in the game and try again. Nothing comes easy. It takes drive, it takes effort, it takes work.

Moral of the story… we’re here to tell you that YOU’VE GOT THIS! You can do it. There will be doubts, fears hiccups… but remember you are unstoppable. If you put your mind to something you WILL achieve it. Take that great idea, concept, life style change and DO IT. Stop getting in your own way. How can you begin?

  1. Carve out time EACH DAY to map out your plan and begin. Draw a road map. Who do you need to speak with, what steps do you need to take to get where you want to be?

  2. Make 3 attainable goals that will make your dream a success. WHEN you achieve those, make your next 3, and so on.

  3. Find people who can give you HONEST, useful input. People who aren’t afraid to hurt your feelings. People that will tell you the good, but also won’t hold back.

  4. DON’T BE AFRAID TO ASK FOR HELP. Find people who may have more expertise in certain areas. Tell them your idea, and I am confident they will have a conversation with you, give you input, helpful information and hints, and maybe even help in that department along the way.

  5. And last but not least- come to the Momality events, network, meet your people ;)

Stay real. Stay balanced. Shoot for the stars… but not right away.


Lyndsay & Nicole


Mine Are Grown… Or Are They?


Embrace the Mush